The Beginner’s Guide to Buying Rental Properties (A Case Study)
One of the primary objectives of my real estate business is to acquire income-producing rental properties that ROCK. What makes a rental property “rock” you might ask? It doesn't necessarily need to pump millions into my bank account each month, and it doesn't need to be a “no money down” deal either (although either of these things would certainly sweeten the pot). To put it simply, a great rental property is one that makes every one of my investment dollars work hard . I want every penny to work overtime, producing as much revenue as possible while simultaneously paying off any debt associated with the property. When you buy properties with this goal in mind, there is basically no limit (mathematically speaking) to how far you can grow your net worth and personal income . The Problem When I first got started as an investor, I spent a lot of time trying to find these types of properties. I remember spending hours upon hours scanning my local MLS listin...